Tervisetehnoloogiate Arenduskeskus AS on teadusuuringutele ja tootearendusele keskendunud biotehnoloogiafirma, mille peamisteks tegevusvaldkondadeks on personaalmeditsiin, ravimiarendus ja reproduktiivmeditsiin nii inim- kui ka veterinaarmeditsiini alal. Ettevõtte koostööpartneriteks on nii Eesti juhtivad teadlased kui ka biotehnoloogiafirmad, samuti teadus-, meditsiini- ja arendusasutused Euroopas, Aasias ja Ameerikas.


Unikaalne kulutõhus geneetika test, mis hindab emaka limaskesta kvaliteeti (pesastumise test)



Embrüo siirdamiseelse kromosoomianalüüsiga hinnatakse embrüote kromosoomide arvu



NIPTIFY on kõige uuem ja tundlikum loote DNA sõeluuring



Joint webinar Female fertility preservation 11.11.2020

Baltic Fertility Society and Nordic Fertility Society invite all interested…

Loe edasi ❯❯

Nordfertil meeting

7th Meeting of the “Nordic Centre for Fertility Preservation in…

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PhD defence of Olga Tšuiko

On 26 November, 2018 Olga Tšuiko defended her doctoral thesis…

Loe edasi ❯❯

Baltic Fertility Society and Nordic Fertility Society invite all interested parties to participate joint webinar “Female fertility preservation” November 11th, 2020, 15-16.30. Event language is English and participation is free.
Please registerat: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3628911049988481038

More infot can be found at Nordic Fertility Society homepage. The programme can be downloaded here: FFP2020 Invitation

7th Meeting of the “Nordic Centre for Fertility Preservation in Children after Childhood Cancer Treatment” takes place  from Thursday 31st of January to Friday 1st of February 2019 in Tartu, Estonia.

The Nordfertil project is a joint effort by leading experts (scientists and university healthcare professionals) in Nordic and Baltic countries to create a network of excellence with the aim of preserving future fertility and hormonal functions in young boys with disorders and treatments threatening testicular function.

Click to see more details about Nordfertil.

On 26 November, 2018 Olga Tšuiko defended her doctoral thesis „Unravelling chromosomal instability in mammalian preimplantation embryos using single-cell genomics“. It took place at Biomedicum, Ravila 19-1006, Tartu

Professor Andres Salumets (PhD (biology)), Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine ja Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tartu;
Professor Joris Robert Vermeesch (PhD), Laboratory for Cytogenetics and Genome Research / Center for Human Genetics / KU Leuven, Belgia;
Professor Ants Kurg (PhD (molecular biology)), Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu;

Professor Joyce Harper (PhD), Department of Reproductive Health, Institute for Women’s Health, University College London, UK.

Click here for more details:

Kazakhstan Association of Reproductive Medicine (KARM) X international congress “Modern approaches to the treatment of infertility. ART: the present and future” takes place in Almaty from 23-24 November, 2018. Professor Andres Salumets will talk  about genetic tests in reproductive medicine.

Recent findings of a comprehensive two centre RNA-seq study were introduced by Dr. Velthut-Meikas at European Society of human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) Annual conference at Barcelona, July 4th, 2018.

Changes in endometrium and blood miRNome at mid-secretory phase in fertile women and in patients with recurrent implantation failure were assessed in two independent population cohorts, in Estonia and Spain, respectfully.

The molecular changes in the endometrium that are involved during the establishment of the window of embryo implantation (WOI) are of interest for determining the reasons for recurrent implantation failure (RIF)  in some IVF patients.  High-throughput sequencing studies on gene expression regulation by microRNAs have only started to emerge, and also including only small sample numbers. There has been no indication, whether molecular markers revealing optimal WOI time could also be identified from blood.

With current international study scientists from Tallinn University of Technology, University of Granada, Competence Centre on Health Technologies, Lifesequencing SL, Igenomix Foundation and Valencia University confirmed several known microRNAs role and revealed novel candidates as molecular markers for WOI. Also light was shed upon cellular processes that are perturbed in the endometria of RIF patients.

A paper opening the full study is in publication process.

Recent publication of Scientific Reports  introduced CCHT’s new genomic pipeline for NIPT. Latter is CCHT’s contribution to society’s need for faster and cheaper laboratory and analysis methods to make NIPT more widely accessible. We have developed a novel software package for detection of fetal aneuploidies from next-generation low-coverage whole genome sequencing data. Our tool – NIPTmer – is based on counting pre-defined per-chromosome sets of unique k-mers from raw sequencing data, and applying linear regression model on the counts. Additionally, the filtering process used for k-mer list creation allows one to take into account the genetic variance in a specific sample, thus reducing the source of uncertainty. The processing time of one sample is less than 10 CPU-minutes on a high-end workstation. NIPTmer was validated on a cohort of 583 NIPT samples and it correctly predicted 37 non-mosaic fetal aneuploidies. NIPTmer has the potential to reduce significantly the time and complexity of NIPT post-sequencing analysis compared to mapping-based methods.
The publication itself can be found here: (more…)


Postimees: Triin Laisk, a researcher at Tervisetehnoloogiate Arenduskeskus AS has focused on increasing the awareness on female fertility to ensure that if a couple remains childless, it is a result of their informed choice, not a biological inevitability.

Triin Laisk, PhD, is a researcher at CCHT, at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Tartu, and at the Estonian Genome Center, University of Tartu. Currently, she collaborates with researchers at the University of Oxford to  study the genetics of female fertility and infertility.
